Taunton Garden Physio and Rehab

Registered Physiotherapy in Whitby

Physiotherapists are primary health care professionals that play an important role in the treatment and prevention of injuries, illnesses and disabilities through registered physiotherapy in Whitby. Physiotherapists can help you improve your strength, flexibility/mobility, function and well-being through various specialized and hands on techniques.
On your first visit, our Physiotherapists will obtain a detailed history of your illness and conduct a thorough physical evaluation to assess the cause of your problem. They will provide you with home exercises, preventive measures and will formulate a treatment plan based on your goals.  

Registered Physiotherapy and Rehab in Whitby involves a variety of specialized methods and techniques such as:

  • Exercise therapy,
  • Posture and Gait re-education
  • Manual therapy techniques – Mckenzie, Mulligan, Maitland methods
  • Taping techniques (including Ktaping)
  • Soft tissue release/ Trigger point release
  • Modalities including: Ultrasound, Laser, IFC, TENS, Electrical muscle stimulation, Hot/cold packs, Paraffin wax baths etc
  • Acupuncture, Dry Needling
  • Sports specific conditioning and rehab
  • Specialized programs such as: GLA:D program for hip/knee arthritis; PFilates Program for pelvic floor disorders, Concussion and Vestibular rehab programs.
Registered Physiotherapy in Whitby

A physiotherapist is a movement specialist, educated in analyzing mobility issues with walking, running, jumping, bending, stretching, and almost every other form of physical activity. Your physiotherapist can pinpoint problem areas and create a customized treatment plan aimed at improving those areas.

We offer Registered Physiotherapy in WHITBY, AJAX, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE AND PICKERING

Registered Physiotherapy treatments in Whitby

The right type of Physiotherapy in Whitby at the right time helps with pain relief, improving flexibility and strength, improving functional tolerance, preventing injuries, treating injuries sustained as a result of sports, car accidents, work injuries and poor posture. Physiotherapy treatments are highly effective, drug free and safe means to treat stubborn aches and pains. Physiotherapy exercises and techniques used by our physiotherapists in Whitby can help alleviate Arthritis pain and help prevent joint replacement surgeries.

At our physiotherapy clinic in Whitby, our services are offered to patients of all ages, including newborns and children and elderly.

Common conditions we treat with our registered physiotherapy in Whitby include:

  • Arthritic pain
  • Sports injuries , Running injuries
  • Post op- Joint replacement surgeries, Rotator cuff repair, Post op fractures, ACL/Meniscus repair, ORIF, spinal surgery rehab, post mastectomy, post c-section and pelvic surgeries
  • Sciatica
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Low back/Neck pain
  • Sprains/Strains
  • Tennis elbow, Golfers elbow
  • SI Joint Dysfunction, TMJ dysfunction
  • Bursitis, Tendinitis
  • Radiculopathy, Pinched nerve
  • Ligamentous/Myofascial pain
  • MVA/Whiplash injuries
  • WSIB injuries
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Chronic pain syndrome
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Pelvic floor conditions – see Pelvic Physiotherapy section
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