Taunton Garden Physio and Rehab

Physiotherapy in Bowmanville

physiotherapy Bowmanville

Physiotherapy in Bowmanville is an essential service to help residents of Bowmanville to stay healthy and active,
prevent injuries and improve their function and well-being.

Physiotherapy is an effective treatment to relieve pain, improve flexibility and strength, improve posture, and prevent injuries, illnesses, and disabilities.

We proudly service the other cities of Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, and Pickering.

How can Physiotherapy in Bowmanville help its Residents?

Physiotherapy in Bowmanville may benefit residents of Bowmanville to recover from a sports injury, after surgery, to manage vertigo and vestibular conditions, painful pelvic floor conditions and to treat and prevent incontinence, to prevent workplace injuries and falls, recover after a stroke and much more.

Physiotherapy treatments can help you prevent joint replacement surgeries by restoring joint function, flexibility and reducing pain.

How can our Physiotherapists in Bowmanville Help?

Our expert physiotherapists in Bowmanville conduct a detailed and thorough examination and prepare and individualized care plan to improve your functional mobility and your quality of life.
Our Physiotherapists provide you with the important education to control and manage your pain and treat the root cause of your problem. Our Physiotherapy Clinic helps with pregnancy related and post partum pain and conditions including pubic symphysis dysfunction, pudendal neuralgia, stress urinary incontinence, SI joint pain and much more.

Pelvic floor physiotherapy in Bowmanville can help address any postural and pelvic malalignment issues during your pregnancy and can help you maintain and improve your flexibility, core strength during pregnancy to prepare your body for labor and birth. It also helps to promote general well being during pregnancy and prevents postpartum conditions such as pelvic pain, diastasis recti, and back pain.

We offer physiotherapy for pregnant patients both in the clinic and virtually. Keeping active during pregnancy is very important for mom and the baby and our expert Physiotherapists can help you learn the right amount and type of exercises that you can safely perform during the pregnancy. We provide individualized advice and program tailor made for your specific needs.

Our expert Physiotherapists in Bowmanville specialize in treating pelvic pain, pregnancy related low back pain, diastasis recti, hip and SI joint pain, urinary leakage, painful sex and much more. We treat patients of all ages, including kids/ babies and geriatric population.

Our therapists can also help you with post caesarian section delivery by providing education on pain management, scar management, nursing etc. Our clinic
provides various physiotherapy treatment options focused on post surgical rehab, orthopaedics, women’s health physiotherapy, sports injuries rehab, vestibular rehab, concussion management, specialized programs such as Pfilates and GLAD programs.

We also offer services such a Registered Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Bracing, Osteopathy, Compression socks, Orthotics, Virtual Physiotherapy etc.

Our Physiotherapy clinic accepts all WSIB, MVA and Extended Health insurance patients. Our aim is to make your visit hassle free by offering direct billing to your insurance company. Our approach is patient centered and we guarantee highest customer satisfaction and result oriented treatment sessions.

Our practitioners are well respected in the Durham region and are highly trained in their respective fields.
Our virtual physiotherapy in Bowmanville utilizes an easy-to-use platform that connects you to your therapist from the comfort of your home without requiring any technical setup. It can be easily accessed through a tablet, laptop, smartphone, and it is safe and confidential. We can direct bill for all virtual physiotherapy sessions.

For Physiotherapy in Bowmanville call us at 905-620-1348

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